Donor Darah di PT. SUJ “Proof of love for others”

Banten. As a form of solidarity between others, PT. SUJ collaboration with PMI Cilegon staged a blood donation, Tuesday (16/10). Social action entitled “Proof of love for others”, held in the new building PT. SUJ 5th floor, this Social action as part of the 8th Anniversary of PT. SUJ.

Blood donation as a concern all employees of PT. SUJ to help the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI), the quantity and quality of the blood supply for the community Cilegon in need. GA supervisior, Reinald Siregar also actively success of the event by donating blood, GA also hope, positive activities such as blood donation can be improved.

”Actions blood donation is a tangible manifestation of our concern for fellow human beings, and we hope this activity can be very rewarding to be increased from year to year,” he said.”

A drop of blood from donors will be invaluable to help the lives of others,” said one officer of PMI. Activity was first implemented in PT SUJ is followed all employees PT. SUJ. A drop of blood that will surely be able to provide for the good of mankind. Already have you donated?